Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Why does a computer understand only binary form?

Because a Computer is an Electronic Device and its main component is called a "transistor". There are capacitors and resistors and diodes and transformers etc., but the transistor is what makes small computers possible.

A transistor basically either allows current to flow or doesn't depending on what input it receives at its base. More simply, the transistor is either ON (1) or OFF (0). Since there are only two states, a base-two or binary number system makes the most sense.

Also, the RAM, which runs on latch circuits (and/or J-K flip-flops), can also have only current (1) or no current (0) at each address (or area of memory).

So, if the value of a variable (area in memory that contains a value) is equal to 6, this can be represented by the state of 3 transistors. The first is on (1), the second is on (1), and the third is off (0). As a number this would appear: - 110

It would be wrong to say the computer only reads the electronic signal. They are only ON or OFF. We transforming is to “1” for “ON” and “0” for “OFF” for our Convenient.
So it’s purely a matter of convenience.

Monday, August 29, 2011

What is a Computer Language

A programming language is an artificial language designed to communicate instructions to a machine, particularly a computer. Programming languages can be used to create programs that control the behavior of a machine and/or to express algorithms precisely.
A programming language is a notation for writing programs, which are specifications of a computation or algorithm. Some, but not all, authors restrict the term "programming language" to those languages that can express all possible algorithms. Traits often considered important for what constitutes a programming language include:

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Type of Operating Systems:

We can define four common Type of Operating systems according its functionality.
  • Batch Processing System
  • Multiprogramming System
  • Multi Tasking / Time Sharing System
  • Real Time System
 We can also Classified Operating System in following Two Type.
  • Single Users Systems
  •  Multi users System

Batch Processing System :
In Batch processing same type 

What is Operating System?

Operating System is a System Software.  So Many People give many own views regarding Operating System. They all views Define the Operating System Like:

“Operating System Consist of Program and Data that run on Computer, Manage Computer Hardware.”

“Operating System enables the Computer Hardware to Communicate and Operate with the Computer Software.”

Friday, January 14, 2011

Data Mining

Data mining methodologies have been widely adopted in various business domains, such as database marketing, credit scoring, fraud detection, to name only a few of the areas where data mining has become an indispensable tool for business success. Increasingly data mining methods are also being applied to industrial process optimization and control. While the general approach is similar regardless of application (finding "nuggets" of new information in data), some specific methodologies and techniques for optimizing continuous processes, such as boiler performance in a coal-burning power plant, have proven particularly useful for those applications, and superior to existing traditional analytic approaches such as DOE (design of experiments), CFD (computational fluid dynamics), or statistical modeling. This paper will provide an introduction to data mining, and specifically contrast the methods used in data mining with traditional optimization techniques.